Tauihu Media Exec. Selected for Beijing MPA/CICE Film Workshop
Tauihu Media exec. Tui Ruwhiu was selected as New Zealand’s sole representative to attend the Motion Picture Association (MPA) /China International Copyright Expo (CICE) film workshop in Beijing China from 30 Nov. – 4 December 2011.
Eleven emerging filmmakers were chosen from around the Asia Pacific region to attend the workshop along with 30 to 40 emerging Chinese filmmakers. In addition, the workshop brought together many of China’s major film players from government and private circles as well as key Hollywood figures.
The workshop provided the opportunity for all those attending to hear and discuss the current state of the Chinese domestic market and its emerging trends as well as financing and international coproduction opportunities. Several masterclasses were held on topics such as script development, career development and how to break into Hollywood.
The workshop is one initiative by the MPA to foster greater understanding and opportunties in the China film market. This was the first time that CICE has entered into a joint sponsorhsip of the workshop wiith MPA.
Tui’s attendance at the workshop was jointly sponsored by MPA/CICE and the New Zealand Film Commission.